The United Foundation is
A non-profit organization whose corporate purpose is to work for the most vulnerable people in society, to provide services to the community for the development and improvement of the individual, always trying to offer personal well-being as well as harmony with himself and the environment in the emotional, social, physical and spiritual dimensions.

This institution manages to transform the conception of Western health that conceives disease as a result of external factors, while the United Foundation sees it as the product of an internal, subjective alteration that understands that individual well-being is interrelated with the environment family, social, environmental and universal from mind, body and soul. So each person assumes the responsibility for their own health and well-being, as the consequences, the changes, the medicines and the treatments arise from the thoughts and the emotions, reason why the strategies implemented with the community seek to be more holistic. Medicine is being humanized because on the way to removing pain patients take on the process of transforming their emotions, thoughts and actions by developing creativity, optimism, courage and the pursuit of self-realization regardless of physical difficulties. Although the circumstances can not be changed, people change their attitude towards them.
The Foundation works to improve the quality of life of people by performing tasks that tend to dignify and enforce equality and inclusion. In 2004 Dr. Clara Velez started the United Foundation with the support of her family and friends. Thanks to experience in the service to communities, a project was launched soughting to enable people to access comprehensive health care regardless of their economic capacity. In the beginning, the Foundation had few resources, but its work allowed it to gain greater recognition and support. The principle that motivates the work of the Foundation is the service, the practice of the values of solidarity and fraternity in the field of health. So the Foundation offers the integral service in health, which consists in taking into account the biological, emotional, mental, social and spiritual dimensions in the moment of attending a patient. Medical consultations, psychology, therapeutic massage, metamorphic massage, reflexology, polarity therapy, hydrotherapy, reiki therapy and educational activities such as yoga classes, holistic walk, courses and conferences on natural care, personal growth, accompaniment of duels as well as accompaniment to terminally ill patients.
The services provided by the Foundation do not have a fixed rate, it is the person who determines it, which has allowed a basic level of self-sustainability and the continuity of the programs offered to communities living in the Valley of Aburrá in sectors such as Vallejuelos, La Aurora, Las Flórez, October 12, Robledo, Bello Oriente, the corregimiento of Santa Elena and the municipality of Yolombó in Antioquia.

Likewise, 50% of the daily costs are subsidized through the voluntary work of health professionals, fundraising events and donations of friends in supplies, species or money. Thanks to the projects that the United Foundation has carried out in the communities, the same patients have become directly involved with the activities and have become volunteers interested in providing services to communities that need support and assistance in health, prevention and well-being ; so the principles of the institution have transformed the way people care about the physical, mental and spiritual well-being of the other by converting the service as a healing experience.